Monday 26 March 2012

A01 - Analyse a Pamphlet

The purpose of this leaflet is to inform people about recycling. The target audience for the leaflet is the general public in Shropshire, and in this case North Shropshire. The leaflet is designed for both genders and it is suitable for all ages, although it will be designed for mainly adults and homeowers. The front cover of this leaflet has a very simple colour scheme of blue, white and green which runs throughout the whole booklet. The cover is very clean and it isn't cluttered which helps with the impression of recycling and clearing up rubbish. The green used in this booklet is meant to represent the recycling aspect. Using 2 different shades of green helps to balance the piece out so it doesn't look too bold and striking, it tones the piece down a bit. The use of the Shropshire Countil logo shows the importance of the booklet, and tells us that it isn't a fake booklet. Also using the logo of Veolia tells the target audience who will be collecting their waste so they can recognise them when they take their rubbish. The image selection used on the front cover, is rather plain, but it does show what you need to take out in the black box. Using a man seems to make the piece a lot more male orientated even though it is meant for both genders. There is more text on this front cover compared to images, as the front cover needs to inform you about what the leaflet is about. There is rather a lot of 'white space' on this image but I think this is due to that recycling is meant to be clean and this is what the white space is representing. The text in this front cover is serif, and in green and white, representing the neutral, cleanliness of recycling. The only pieces of text that aren't in the same font are the logos of the Shropshire Council and the Veolia logo. There is only one piece of text that is in italics, 'in partnership with,' this is in italics to highlight that Veolia is a important part of the recycling in Shropshire. All of the text and the logos have been placed on the right hand side, making everything aligned together perfectly. 

This page of the booklet is mainly graphic based. The colour scheme follows on from the previous page, and these colours run throughout. In this piece though grey and red are introduced to highlight certain areas. This page has been set up into tables of months so that you can clearly identify what month your looking for. The headers of the tables are blue which ties in with the headers of the leaflet. This makes the page look a lot more professional. Grey and green has been used alternatively to highlight the different days when the bins are going to be collected. The font used in the tables is the same as the previous page, but it has been put into bold as this shows how important the dates are. The text on this page below the tables is the same as the previous page, apart from the a small section at the bottom which is emboldened. More graphics have been used on this page to highlight certain areas. For example, the red circles around some of the dates and the graphic of a phone at the bottom right of the page. The juxta position of the text is in line with the tables, to keep everything neat. 

The blue banner at the top is seen again, as it is throughout the whole booklet. Bullet points have been used in the top section of the piece, which hasn't been seen in the booklet before. This is then followed by some text explaining what you can and can't have in the bins and when they will be collected. There is only one piece of text that is in bold, and this is the time when your bins need to be out by. There are then two rounded rectangle shapes that show what you do with the green bins and the black bins. These rectangles are colour co-ordinated with the colour of the bins, which makes it easier to find on the page. The red border around the text at the bottom of the page, shows that it is of importance to the reader of the leaflet. In this case the highlighted area is about disruptions that could occur and how they would deal with them. 

This page is the most detailed of the leaflet and it is a double page spread. On the left hand side there are many rectangles in different colours that relate to different things. The blue rectangles are about where you can find out more information about recycling and the top one holds a key so that you can tell what types of things go into each area. To the right of this we have a table showing the different boxes and what can and can't go in them. Using images of each of the bins is helpful if people aren't sure on which is which. The yes and no columns next to these have a green or red faded background and the two rectangles above that have a stronger green and red background. The text in the these sections is very polite, saying please and thanks for people respecting the recycling rules In the faded sections of the table, the green sections have little graphics showing what each sections looks like, for example the Garden waste section has a little leaf next to it. The names of each of the sections are in bold and black which makes them stand out. Then the rest of the text isn't in bold. In the red section there are tiny little red crosses which highlight the fact that these items shouldn't be put in the bins. There is a small part of text which is in bold and in red, stressing that there is no way that the cardboard should go in the green bin. 

The back page of this leaflet is a thank you page for the readers. The banner at the top is used again, but instead the Shropshire council logo is back on it. 'Thank you for recycling,' has been written in a dark blue font and it's in bold to highlight that they appreciate that you've taken the time to read the leaflet and your going to respect the rules. We then go into the next chunk of text which is in a lighter blue and then onto the next bit which also has blue bullet points. At the bottom left of this page, the creators have used images of popular products to show that they can be recycled. There is also the 'Recycle for Shropshire,' logo underneath this. These parts have been put onto a green background to show that they are part of the recycling element. The dark blue part is informing you that you can also recycle electrical equipment. 

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