Friday 16 March 2012

A04 - Evaluation

I believe that my products are fit for the audience, as they are similar to professional flyers, digipak's and programmes. I have made sure that my products are suitable for all ages even though it is targeted at teenagers and young adults. The cover of the digipak will appeal to the target audience as it is a style that will appear to teenagers and young adults that listen to Indie, Pop and Folk music, as Leon Chaplin's music is a fusion of this. On the back of my programme, I have decided to include the venues of the tour, and also the cover of the album saying that it has been released, to promote the album and to fill some of the white space. I decided to use a Graphic Designer to create the products, as this would give all the products the same professional quality and there would be a continuity throughout all of them. I think that the Graphic Designer did a great job with the ideas I gave, and adapted them well using the images from the Photographer. In my feedback, I was told that my products had a great continuity running throughout them, which made it easy to tell which artist it was from. I think if I were to make more products, I would use the same designer to keep within the style and keep continuity. I also decided to use a professional Photographer so that the quality of the images would be high and this would make it easier for the Graphic Designer to ink the images up and get what detail they needed. I was really happy with the images that were taken, and they were exactly what I wanted for my products. I decided to use Photoshop to create all of my products, as this is an Industry standard software that gives a high quality finish and it allows me to experiment with a lot of different techniques that stretch my creativity. I didn't have any problems using Photoshop, as I have worked with it before. Because my products were quite simple, I didn't have to do anything too difficult and extensive. I responded to my client's 1st set of feedback well, as I knew that my work did need improving, and that more finalised drafts needed to be produced. I found that the feedback was positive, and gave me a clearer view of what they wanted. On my final set of feedback from the client, I was told that my work looked 'clear and professional.' I was very happy with this feedback as I had worked hard on all the products. 

I would say that my digipak is similar to the work seen on the cover of Tommy Reilly's 'Words On The Floor,' album cover.

This cover is similar to mine as it promotes the Indie/Folk genre, both have used neutral colour palettes and inked words up. The difference here is that the image of the artist is an actual photo rather than an inked drawing. I think that my work is on a level of this piece, as I could see it standing out next to it on a self, despite them both being quite similar. My digipak seems a little more cartoon like because of the roundness of the drawing, whereas this digipal seems more robust and cleaner. 

This is a professional poster for an Indie night. I think my flyer is of a high standard although this one has got a slightly more professional feel to it as it is a poster that is promoting high end bands. With a little bit more work I think I could've created a flyer/poster that was up to this standard. I am certainly interested in furthering my abilities to create a piece like this. 

This is a programme from the Matt Cardle Tour. This is similar to the work I have produced, as the cover of the programme is the album cover, which is what I have done with mine. Inside the programme are sections that include images of the artist and little notes from him. This was an idea I had for my programme, as well as using advertising to help fund the tour. Inside the programme there will also be a page dedicated to the band that is used to go on tour with him. I also think with my programme, if I had put a little bit more work into it and some more creativity I could've created something that looked like this. 

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